The rolling mills have not reached the prospect of production growth

the climbing factories are still weak and have not reached the prospect of production growth according to the predicted goals, and the Ministry of Security and banks should take action.
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Improving production requires infrastructure development

CEO of Nab Tabriz Steel Company said: production improvement with components such as increasing the utilization factor and... are valuable factors that will significantly increase the economic resilience of the country.
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Curbing inflation is possible with government support

The chairman of the board of directors of Khorramdasht Takestan that government managers do not care about experts and reminded: almost 90% of the country's steel is in the hands of the government.
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Iran Steel Rolling Association

Iran Steel Rollers Association in order to fulfill the rights and demands of long section steel producers after going through the legal process and receiving permission from the strategic supervision board of the Iran Chamber of Commerce to establish and register the "Iran Steel Rollers Association", The first meeting of this association was held at the place of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce.

In the first meeting of the Iran Steel Rollers Association, which was held on July 11, 2018, the association's statutes were reviewed and approved. Also, the selection of board members and inspectors, the determination of entry and membership fees, and the selection of the official newspaper were other matters that In the first meeting of the rolling mills, a decision was made.

Currently, this association has 65 members, and there is no limit to the number of members, and all riders can join this association.



A profile whose cross-section has two sides perpendicular to each other is called a corner, and is used in a composite and individual form in civil, construction and industrial projects.


A stud is one of the steel sections that is included in the category of open profiles. This profile consists of a horizontal surface called John and two vertical surfaces called wings.


Rebars are long bars made of steel and have various sizes. The production of rebar is done both plain and ribbed. Construction rebars are generally ribbed.

We offer you the best products

Place of advertisement of members of the forum

Place of advertisement of members of the forum

Place of advertisement of members of the forum

Place of advertisement of members of the forum

Formation of Iron and Steel Federation

In order to make better decisions in the steel chain and in line with the goals and plans of all stakeholders in this field, the founding board of the Iron and Steel Federation of Iran with the membership of Iran Iron Ore Association, Iran Steel Producers Association, Iran Steel Rollers Association and Pipe and Profile Syndicate formed and requested the formation of the federation. Notice to the Iranian Chamber of Commerce that after obtaining the approval in principle and holding the assembly of the founders, the Iron and Steel Federation will be established and start working in the Chamber of Commerce.

Iran Steel Rolling Association (INFA)

To contact us, please complete and send the form below


    Contact Us

    Contact information of the rolling association

    Address :

    Tehran, Argentina Square, Africa St., next to Sepeh Bank Research Institute, No. 12, Unit 6


    021-88658754، 021-88658356، 021-88651394



    Postal code:

